Product design, styling and branding for Tussell

Product design, styling and branding for Tussell

Tussell are looking to help companies win more public sector business. It's a huge market and the existing tools are lacking in both ease of use and functionality. I was brought on when they had really just the beginnings of a plan and needed someone to turn their ideas into a product. I designed the layout and interaction behaviour for the web app, and created their brand identity and styling.

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Branding and website design for the BLN

Branding and website design for the BLN

The Business Leaders Network run networking and conference events. They had grown organically, and as a consequence, their logos and websites had no sense of unity and had begun to look dated. My job was to understand their business and ensure their new identity reflected who they are.

This was mostly a branding exercise with some limited interaction design for their websites.

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Regard - Metrics insight, collected respectively

Regard - Metrics insight, collected respectively

This started as a scratch your own itch problem. We found that many commercial analytics tools were geared towards collecting as much data as possible on the user, with little regard for their privacy. In these days of data leaks and privacy concerns, it felt one-sided. Additionally, collecting all this data without thinking about why you needed it led to issues later when you tried to make sense of it - could you really rely on what you were seeing, or was it a random correlation?

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IQ Capital branding and website design

IQ Capital branding and website design

The team at IQ Capital (IQC) approached me to re-imagine their brand, update a pitch deck and carry the brand through to a new website.

Really, the challenge here was to clearly convey what differentiates IQC from other venture capitalists. Their genuinely unique approach was pretty much lost in a lot of text and a fairly uninspiring and formal brand image. None of their personality and their friendly supportive nature was coming through either.

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